Music in film noir


The golden age of film noir is basically 1941 (The Maltese Falcon being the first classic) to 1958 (Touch of Evil being the last). Most of the music for those films was not jazz, but rather modernistic orchestral music.
Although in other film noir films, there is a lot of cool jazz which plays throughout most of the film. The music gives a nod towards the characters and their personality as well as the type of scene. For example, if there is a dramatic or violent moment in the film then the type of jazz will either increase in speed and volume or change the tempo completely and be a violent jazz.

The reason why jazz is used instead of other music is because jazz was very popular in the 40s and 50s. For example, if my Preliminary Task was set in modern day then jazz wouldn't be the underscore, but instead, probably a chilled instrumental.

Here are some classic tracks that are used in the dark side of film noir:
  1. The Man Who Knew Too Much: Cantata
  2. The Usual Suspects: Main Theme
  3. The Dead Zone: Death of a Visionary
  4. Psycho: Prelude/The Murder
  5. Shoot the Piano Player: Charlie
  6. North by Northwest Prelude
  7. Intersection: Home
  8. The Bride of Frankenstein: Themes & Variations
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