Risk Assessment

A risk assessment, as with any film is important. In professional filming, it is often more respected than compared with smaller films, however – no matter what you are filming, there should be some sort of risk assessment, whether informal or formal. Suppose you are filming an action film that has some possible dangers, and one of your actors become injured from something that you have asked them to do, you are the one to blame and technically you could run into some serious legal problems so that is why a risk assessment should always take place.

  • Street
  • Alleyway
  • Path in garden
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom

In the street- Myself and the actor would have to watch out for cars, especially at night when filming in the street, and ensure we cross roads safely whilst filming different shots but most of the filming will be on the pavement. I will not be using a tripod to film due to the fact that it is a clear trip hazard for pedestrians if they don't see it due to the dark, so instead I will rest the camera on something for steady filming or just hold it as steady as I can so there are no hazards.

In the alleyway- This risk assessment is very similar to the street. Although I would also have to make sure that it is a safe alleyway with no dangers from anybody else, especially if it is filmed in the dark. So this means I would have to have a torch on at all times to make myself and the actor aware of our surroundings.

Path in garden- In the garden, there are some ponds as well as the River which I will have to be aware of. In addition to this, there could be people walking their dogs which we will have to ignore and carry on since we shouldn't bother them.

Kitchen- There would not be any particular hazards in the house except for some kitchen utilities including knives, etc. that I should just make sure that there is no danger towards the actor in any way. A little bit alcohol is consumed, so I would have to make sure the right amount is consumed so there are no dangers to the actor in any shape or form. And although it is only a little, it could harm the actor so I will make sure they only have a sip due to the fact we will be safe from any risks and it will still look realistic for the audience.
There is another scene though with a different actor who actually picks up a knife and touches it with her finger so I will have to make sure she doesn't hurt herself in any way at all and that she handles it carefully.

Bedroom- There are no particular hazards for actors or myself in the bedroom.


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